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Algorithms and Data Structures.

The subsystem contains the program examples from N.Wirth's "Algorithms and Data Structures. Oberon version". This version incorporates corrections and modifications introduced in the Russian translation and approved by Niklaus Wirth in April, 2009. The book can be download from website

To read the sources and run the programs, you need the BlackBox Component Builder (an Oberon derivative) freely available from BlackBox runs under MS Windows and Linux+Wine. All modules must be open and run from the BlackBox Component Builder.

After installing BlackBox, unpack this package into the BlackBox folder (so that ADen and i21sys subfolders appear along with Com, Comm, Ctl ... BlackBox.exe ...). The modules require one external module to run called i21sys/Mod/In.odc . It is included in this package.

Run BlackBox.exe, open the file ADen/Docu/Quick-Start.odc and read the instructions. The document ADen/Docu/Sys-Map.odc contains hyperlinks to all program examples. To run program examples in a module, click on the so-called commanders (the buttons like this one (!)); they are usually located after the end of the module text. Make sure nothing is selected when you click. The commanders should be clicked in the order of their appearance.

Author: Fyodor Tkachov
Published by: Anton Shelin
Русский English


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