This is my collection of notes, example code, etc... I created to "fill in" the gaps not explained by the standard documentation supplied with Blackbox Oberon on how to actually write useful programs.
The book is approximately 160 pages and is not complete. But still useful !!
It covers Installing, Setup and Interfacing to MySQL in depth, writing report programs (including a complete SQL report generator), writing complete GUI/MySQL systems, etc... It does not cover the more esoteric usage of the language, because I have'nt the need to be bothered to work them out. I make no attempt to cover the complete BlackBox Oberon Language.
Blackbox Oberon is a very powerful programming tool and well worth consideration. But I should also advise you that while I really like Blackbox Oberon I have found it lacks certain features that I need for commercial database programming development.
For more information read my manuscript in PDF format (1.8 MByte). The same documentation is also in the BlackBox StdCoded File. You find it at 'Draconcity/Docu/DevelopingInBlackbox.odc'. You'll find further information about MySQL at