Simple finite state machines (FSMs) are applied to implement complex process control algorithms, i.e. long running commands. Additional support is offered for handling of large configuration files, for saving of current process state and for serial communication (RS232 or TCP) to hardware devices (power supplies, measuring instruments, etc.) as well.
The overall concept is explained in an introductory text containing small worked examples. Additional examples have been implemented to play with and try out the supporting modules mentioned above.
TpcGenericFsms offers simple finite state machines for implementing process control algorithms, i.e. "long running commands". Support for debugging includes logging of state switching to StdLog, setting of break points at arbitrary states, single stepping from state to state and logging of state history.
TpcConfigDataControl offers a means for maintaining configuration files by technical stuff without having knowledge to the develop environment of BlackBox (e.g. "when and how to call the compiler"). The configuration data serve for parameterizing the technical process (e.g. hardware configuration).
TpcGenericStatusFiles supports in saving process status data to hard disk. In case of a computer crash followed by a reboot the technical process may be continued in the state like just before the interrupt.
TpcSerialDevices implements serial connections to hardware devices via RS232 or TCP. Commands to devices and answers from devices may be of fixed length or variable length with terminator characters. Master devices for control of hardware devices are available as are slave devices for simulation of hardware devices at an early phase of a project when hardware devices may not yet be available. Outgoing and incoming serial data may be logged to StdLog for debugging.