Casket provides a flexible Bitmap type (e.g. Views as *.png) and various utilities (e.g. RTF Import/Export to Word) that use it:
CasketRtfConv provides RTF (Rich Text Format) import and export by file or cut-&-paste. It has more accurate paragraph formatting than HostTextConv, and significantly it supports Links, Tables, and Pictures as Bitmaps.
CasketLatex creates high quality typeset bitmaps of mathematical expressions described using plain Ascii. It provides the facilities of LaTeX inside BlackBox '.odc' documents. You can easily write odc documents containing sophisticated mathematics.
LaTeX is used by many major software systems and authors - for example all mathematics in Wikipedia is typeset with LaTeX.
CasketKeeper uses FreeImage to convieniently support writing arbitrary BlackBox Views to file in a variety of formats (*.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, & *.tiff).
CasketBitmaps provides interfaces to other BlackBox Bitmap types and facilities (HostBitmaps, CpcBitmaps, FreeImage, Windows Bitmaps). It supports writing compressed BlackBox Bitmap Views (using Pac, or another Compressor), interfacing to FreeImage, and is designed to support other applications.
CasketReferences is not required by CasketLatex, but could compliment it by providing equation numbering in a large document. It may also have uses unconnected with CasketLatex.