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Analysing Web Log Files.
Depends on: Ctls Util Coco Pac

Would you like to know how many users visit your website? How many downloads they have done? Which downloads belong to the top 10? Here you are.

Webstat analyse the web server's log file. It produces usage statistic reports about hits, files, pages, visits, sites and bytes transfered. The result is separated in users, robots and total access. It also reports a top ten list of downloads and countries. Further it is possible to select more than one log file to create one report over a long piriod of time (e.g. one year).

This subsystem contains a nice tool which determine the country by IP address. You enter the IP address and get the country as result. The ip address to country database has about 500,000 records and 240 countries.

Authors: Carl Glassberg, Gérard Meunier and Helmut Zinn
Published by: Anton Shelin
Русский English


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